Specifying Input Parameters
Plasma-producing gas
Plasma pressure (bar)
Radius (m)
Height (m)
Temperature of the base (K)
Insulated lateral surface:
Thermionic emission parameters will be taken from the internal database:
By default, the code employs (constant) values of the work function and the pre-exponential factor in the Richardson-Dushman formula for the specified cathode material taken from the internal database. Alternatively, you may specify these values by yourself. (This option is particularly useful while working with doped materials, e.g., thoriated tungsten.) A further option, which is available in the case where the cathode material is W and the plasma-producing gas is one of the mixtures Na-Hg or Cs-Hg, is to make the code evaluate the work function taking into account its variation owing to the formation of a monolayer of alkali metal atoms on the surface. Values that appear in the fields "Work function" and "Pre-exponential factor in the Richardson-Dushman formula" have no effect if you choose this option.
Work function (eV):
Pre-exponential factor in the Richardson-Dushman formula (A m
Variability of the work function:
.f. (W cathode and NH or CH plasmas)
Content of sodium:
(NH, MH, and XH plasmas)
Content of thallium:
(MH and XH plasmas)
Content of dysprosium:
(MH and XH plasmas)
Content of scandium:
(MH and XH plasmas)
Content of cesium:
(CH, MH, and XH plasmas)
Content of zinc:
(XH plasma)
Content of indium:
(XH plasma)
Content of thorium:
(XH plasma)
Content of iodine:
(XH plasma)
Specifying Output Format
Twlo in K:
Twhi in K:
Number of steps over Tw (nTw):
Ulo in V:
Uhi in V:
Number of steps over U (nU):
Detailed printout: