Account of diffusion in local thermodynamic equilibrium and two-temperature plasma models (bibtex)
  author =    {D F N Santos and M Lisnyak and M S Benilov},
  title =     {Account of diffusion in local thermodynamic equilibrium and two-temperature plasma models},
  journal =   {J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.},
  year =      {2019},
  volume =    {52},
  number =    {45},
  pages =     {454003},
  abstract =  {A self-consistent account of the effect of diffusion on charge transport in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and two-temperature (2T) ionization-equilibrium plasmas amounts to introducing into Ohm’s law, in addition to the conventional term proportional to the electric field (conduction current) and thermal-diffusion terms, also terms describing the diffusion due to plasma composition variations, which are proportional to the temperature gradient (or, in the case of 2T plasmas, to  and ) and to the plasma pressure gradient. These terms are calculated, with the use of the Stefan-Maxwell equations, for the particular case of 2T ionization-equilibrium atomic plasmas with singly charged ions. Also proposed is a simple way of approximate evaluation of reactive thermal conductivity in such plasmas. An online tool performing evaluation of the relevant coefficients for 2T argon, xenon, and mercury plasmas has been deployed on the internet. Representative modelling results show that the new form of Ohm’s law, when introduced into standard LTE or 2T models, may describe the electric field reversal in front of arc anodes, an effect that has been simulated previously only by means of (more complex) models taking into account deviations from ionization equilibrium.},
  issn =      {1361-6463},
  url =       {}
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