A practical guide to modeling low-current quasi-stationary gas discharges: Eigenvalue, stationary, and time-dependent solvers (bibtex)
  author =    {M S Benilov and P G C Almeida and N G Ferreira and R M S Almeida and G V Naidis},
  title =     {A practical guide to modeling low-current quasi-stationary gas discharges: Eigenvalue, stationary, and time-dependent solvers},
  journal =   {J. Appl. Phys.},
  year =      {2021},
  volume =    {130},
  number =    {12},
  pages =     {121101},
  numpages =  {22},        
  doi =       {10.1063/5.0057856},
  url =       {https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0057856},
  pdf =       {2021c.pdf}  
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