A fast and robust online tool for simulation of different modes of axially symmetric current transfer from high-pressure arc-discharge plasmas to cylindrical thermionic cathodes, created and maintained by Mikhail Benilov and co-workers. The code computes both the diffuse mode of current transfer and modes with axially symmetric spots and can be used in a wide range of arc currents, plasma-producing gases, and cathode materials and dimensions. The tool also serves as a tutorial that can help to make physicists and engineers working in the field comfortable with multiple solutions describing different modes of current transfer to electrodes in low-temperature plasmas.
A code for calculation of parameters of non-equilibrium near-cathode plasma layer in high-pressure arc plasmas for a wide range of cathode surface temperatures. The code may be used as a module for multidimensional simulations of arc discharges on hot thermionic cathodes and of the ignition of high-current arcs on cold refractory cathodes.
A code for evaluation of the field to thermo-field to thermionic electron emission current density. The code is based on an accurate and computationally efficient method of evaluation of the Murphy-Good formalism; see M. S. Benilov and L. G. Benilova, J. Appl. Phys. 114, No. 6, pp. 063307-1-7 (2013).
A code for evaluation of the mobility and temperature of ions in a weakly ionized gas as functions of reduced electric field and gas temperature. The code is based on the two-temperature displaced-distribution theory; see P. G. C. Almeida, M. S. Benilov, and G. V. Naidis, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35, No. 13, pp. 1577-1584 (2002).
A code for approximate evaluation of transport coefficients of non-equilibrium atomic plasmas with singly charges ions. The code is based on the formulas from N. A. Almeida, M. S. Benilov, and G. V. Naidis, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 41, no. 24, pp. 245201, (2008) and D. F. N. Santos, M. Lisnyak, and M. S. Benilov, “Account of diffusion in local thermodynamic equilibrium and two-temperature plasma models”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 52, no. 45, pp. 454003, 2019.